A young woman injured in a recent car accident in West Hartford has retained the lawyers at Sabatini and Associates to represent her in her personal injury case. The woman was injured by another car that went through a red light. She was taken by ambulance from the collision scene. Sabatini and Associates has over 40 years of experience in representing people injured in Connecticut car accidents. If you have been injured in a car accident, please call our personal injury attorneys at 860-667-0839 to discuss your case.
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Six Figure Settlement in Slip and Fall Case
Attorney James Sabatini obtained a six figure settlement on behalf of his client in a slip and fall case. The case involved a big box store located in Connecticut. Our client was walking in an aisle when she fell due to a foreign and slippery substance on the floor. Through investigation, Attorney Sabatini discovered that the substance on the floor came from customers sampling a chemical spray product. Customers were regularly spraying the product in the air resulting in the product accumulating on the floor. Due to the nature of the chemical substance, the daily mopping of the floor with soap and water did not remove the substance. It was discovered during the litigation, that the store actually had a cleaning product on site to remove the substance from the floor, but the store manager was not even aware of the cleaning product’s existence. Thus, the cleaning product was never used and the floor was remained slippery. The client suffered an elbow injury which required surgery.
Read MoreTransvaginal Mesh & Pelvic Support Device Litigation
Legal claims are being brought by injured women who have undergone surgery to implant transvaginal mesh and pelvic/bladder support medical devices.
Transvaginal mesh and pelvic/bladder support medical devices are used to treat stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP). These two conditions result in the weakening of of the pelvic region – a common problem after a hysterectomy or childbirth.
On July 13, 2011, the FDA released a medical alert after receiving reports of over 1500 cases where the use of transvaginal mesh and pelvic/bladder support devices caused serious injury to women. The FDA warned physicians that: (1) in most instances the risk of serious injury outweighed all purported benefits associated with the medical devices; (2) traditional procedures that do not use polypropylene mesh devices should be the primary course of treatment; and (3) the implantation of vaginal mesh/pelvic devices should be limited to last resort treatment cases. The reported injuries that these devices are inflicting upon women include:
1. Erosion of mesh into the vagina
2. Serious infection
3. Urinary problems
4. Pelvic pain
5. Vaginal pain
6. Hardening of the mesh
7. Injury to nearby organs
8. Painful intercourse
9. Recurrence of pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence
10. Perforations created by the mesh in the bowel, bladder and/or blood vessels
11. Vaginal scarring and other complications
A recent clinical study was conducted to determine the safety of these products. The study was stopped because the problems being seen in the study in patients were too severe. More than 15% of the women in the study experienced the dangerous and painful condition known as “erosion” of the vaginal tissue in which the skins splits and the mesh protrudes. Sabatini and Associates, LLC is actively investigating legal claims on behalf of women who are alleging serious injuries associated with vaginal mesh and the firm is currently accepting new clients involving transvaginal mesh and pelvic/bladder support products.
$278,000 Premises Liability Settlement – Hip Fracture
Attorney Vincent Sabatini has obtained a $278,000 settlement for an elderly client who fell and suffered a fractured hip. The client was at a day care facility for adults requiring supervision. At the time of the fall, no one was supervising the client. The defendant denied liability. Only after extensive discovery efforts did the defendant recognize its liability and agree to settle the case for a fair and just amount.
Read MoreMRI Does Not Detect Form Of Brain Damage
Boston University Medical School’s Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy has been studying the brains of former NFL players that donated their brains for medical research. The Center has now studied the brains of six former NFL players, and five of the six brains studied were found to have chronic traumatic encephalopathy. This form of brain damage is exceedingly rare in people who are as young as the five deceased NFL players were when they died. It only shows up in people this young if they have suffered repetitive brain injuries. Significantly, chronic traumatic encephalopathy DOES NOT SHOW UP ON CT SCANS, X-RAYS, OR MRIs! The condition can be confirmed only by post-mortem tissue analysis.
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