Our lawyers handle dog bite injuries and animal attack cases. Connecticut law imposes strict liability on owners and keepers of dogs that cause injury to a person. The law essentially states that the owner or keeper of the dog is liable for any damage to person or property, as long as the injured person was not trespassing, committing a tort, or provoking the dog at the time of the attack. If the injured person was not a trespasser, not committing a tort and not provoking the dog, there is no defense. If you have been bitten by a dog, it is advisable that you take the following measures.
Give us a call at (860) 667-0839 to discuss your case with a member of our firm. >>>
One, notify your local police department of the dog attack. The police officer will then generate a report documenting the date of the bite, the location of the bite, the identity of the dog’s owner, the dog’s identification and a narrative description of the how the attack and bite occurred. Two, get immediate medical attention for your injuries. Three, if you have been bitten in the face and will require stitches request that a plastic surgeon perform the stitching to minimize the extent of any permanent facial scarring. Four, do not speak to the dog owner’s insurance representative or anyone else associated with the defendant’s insurance company until first speaking to an attorney. Five, take photographs of your injuries.
Get a Free Consultation From An Experienced Dog Bite Attorney
Each day, 1,000 people arrive in emergency rooms as a result of dog bites. If you have suffered injury as a result of a dog bite you may be entitled to compensation from the dog’s owner for medical bills, lost wages, physical pain and suffering, mental anguish, permanent scarring and the diminution of enjoyment of life’s activities. To ensure that you receive fair, just and reasonable compensation for your injuries, it is important to seek the advice of our dog bite personal injury attorneys who are experienced in handling dog bite cases and dealing with insurance companies.