Personal Injury Tip – Disclose Similar Prior Injuries To Your Treating Doctor

If you have been injured in an accident and are receiving medical treatment from a doctor, make sure when the doctor asks for your prior relevant medical history to disclose any previous injuries or conditions similar to the injuries suffered in the accident.  Do not withhold this information thinking that it will help your personal injury case.  In fact, it will seriously harm your case.  The insurance companies maintain a database containing a history of each and every injury claim a person has filed in the past.  So the insurance company knows of your prior injury claims. 

The insurance company is waiting to see if you disclose your past medical history to your doctor.  If you do not, count on the insurance company to use that non-disclosure against you.  So if you have suffered a back injury 5 years earlier and now suffered a new back injury or aggravated the old one as a result of a car accident, tell your treating physician about it. 

For more information about personal injury law and how to properly handle a personal injury case, please contact our attorneys today.

Last updated by Attorney on .
