Not Enough Doctors Report Medical Errors

Not nearly enough doctors report medical errors and if you have been injured by a doctor’s error do not be surprised that the medical error will not be disclosed. You need to hire a Connecticut medical malpractice lawyer to discover the medical error. ?In a recent survery,?about half of doctors surveyed say they do not report incompetent colleagues or serious medical errors.? The startling revelation appears in the Annals of Internal Medicine. In the survey 3,504 practicing doctors were asked whether they understand and support professional standards.? 93 percent of doctors responding believe one should always alert authorities when facing potential medical errors or malpractice. But in reality only 55 percent said they always did so.? Cardiologists were the least likely to?tell others when they observe a serious medical error or an impaired or incompetent doctor.? Next least likely were family practitioners. Other specialties surveyed include anesthesiologists, surgeons, internists and pediatricians.

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